One of 365

By Allan46

Perth from Melville Water

Melville is about 10 km from Perth by road and half that as the crow flies.

The city skyline in the background has grown a lot in recent years and is still growing as a result of the mining boom in Western Australia. (It still is very small in comparison to most cities, but we like it like that)

The foreground is Melville water and is a popular spot for sailing on weekends.

The tree is a very common tree in Western Australia. A Salmon Gum. It has a beautiful white wood and oily leaves. It is very majestic.

The open space is used a lot for walking dogs etc and the cycle track along the river goes for kilometres.

In summer a few years ago (quite a few years ago) we used to go prawning at night with a prawn net, catching a kerosene tin full , cooking them at home and then eating hot prawns with fresh bread, and the odd cold beer.

Great memories of a misspent youth

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