
By cowgirl

5 seconds

That's all you get on the self timer .... I'm sure that can be altered but we couldn't do it at this moment so Sav just had to leg it round which is why we're laughing as this wasn't our first attempt! ( I'd given up in a big strop! )

Anyway, we went off to 2 National Trust properties near Bridgewater - the first was Coleridge Cottage, where Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote his most well known works, including The Ancient Mariner.

Much revered poet he may be, but he was a lousy husband!

Next we went over to Fyne Court, where the house is no longer standing, but there's a large woodland estate to walk around and a tea shop, where I had a bucket of cappucino ( only Starbucks have ever served me one bigger! ) and a 3 layered Victoria sponge cake, well, a slice of it. Sav cream tea-ed it.

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