In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Them Bones

... Hovering in a moonlit sky. A sky that, deceptively looked like an early morning sky, so bright did the moon make it. So clear it shone on the head, yes the ghost like head, eerily suspended in mid air, surrounded by who knows what, but surrounded certainly by something. Something un-natural.
It moved, so we were also urged to move. Quickly, urged on by fear.
This whole night seemed to be dragging on for ever with one fear after another. Will it never end.
Jumping too our feet, with so much urgency, driven to get out of this so called safe place, Petra tried to open the door. But it wouldn't budge. I tried. We both tried. But all to no avail. Whatever was causing it to stick, no doubt the same thing that prevented me from opening it when we tried to get in originally. But this time, because we had to pull it as opposed to pushing, it was jammed.
"What now then?" we both simultaneously exclaimed.
On turning back into face the interior of the place, we saw that appeared to be long corridor at the far end of room. A corridor that sloped gently down.
We crossed over to the beginning of the passage way, which, as we got closer seemed to be seen less clearly. More hazy like as if our sight was less focused.
But we both did sense that this was the only option that we had left. I was sure that I felt a slight breeze, a draught. Hinting therefore that this was most definitely leading to outside, to our means of escape.
Just a short distance inside the corridor, hanging on the wall, just above head height we saw something chilling. Something that caused us great concern.
Bones. Human bones. Animal Bones and various other gruesome things.
That was the charge that we needed to set us off, yet again, on running. Running fast to get out of this place.
We ran and ran down the ever sloping tunnel until there appeared to be nothing beneath our feet and we were falling
Falling head over heels into what we did not know.

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