
The weather has turned here on the Clyde, much like everywhere else, but the snow is only on the hills on the other side although it is bitterly cold outside.

I had a lovely chilled out morning with Freya reading my Q magazines and downloading new music over toast and coffee. I made lunch for the children before dropping Freya off at the Waterfront where she was going swimming with her friends.

I tried a couple of spots for a blip on the way home but it was sooo windy on the Esplanade I could barely hold the camera steady and had to return to the car to take shots with the window down. Next stop was Cardwell Bay but here I had to get out of the car as I was trying to catch the antics of the hovering seagulls. There must have been some great currents and draughts for them to ride and the way this one's legs are just dangling suggests she's doing it entirely for fun, there's certainly no sense of trying to being aerodynamic.

Had it been warmer I would have taken more photos but my fingers were frozen and I wanted to get back to do some baking - Tiffin and Caramel Shortcake, yummy. Carlos is dining out tonight so I'm making a recipe which only the children and I like, we've not had it in a while and its so delicious and aromatic I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. I'd better get a move on as Noah needs his early before his quest at Laser Matrix. Think Freya and I will catch up with The Voice on iplayer whilst we have a night without the boys.

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