The everyday life.

By Gwendy

Waking up.

Having an awesome dream: First, my principal wanted to punish me for something. My sister tried to save me. She would be punished herself so I conjured us to the southern part of our world, which is behind the church. :/ Then my principal came after us & my sister just disappeared. Then I was in my living room with my principal & he wanted to kick me on the streets with my dog. I didn't want to so I just stayed indoors. I looked outside my window & saw Mars[In my dreams calls Menus.] Mars had giant drums who were playing. Then Mars just separated in 4 & you could see his heart. His heart crashed the house of my neighbors & that caused purple flames. The blow was so hard, we were thrown into the sun. The sun was extinguished for some reason. The sun was now on our marketplace. Me, my dad & my grandmother went for a look. I quickly put some cigarettes, a lighter, my cellphone & a picture of my & my boyfriend in my pocket. Then we went to our marketplace & you could walk around or even on the sun. We walked 3x around the sun & then we went home. I sent my boyfriend a text with: I love you while I looked at his picture. & Then I woke up. I was like: WTF I just dreamed? O.o

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