Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

Plane Finder

This is "Plane Finder" an App for iPads and iPhones. Each red mark has the aircraft details alongside it, when clicked on a concise route, height, heading and image of the aircraft appears. If you are bound ofr the hell if Garport Airwick or Standshunted this weekend you may find it useful to locate the aircraft you are anticipating boarding. This App will backtrack the whole planet and find your 32 inches of liberating ghastliness.

It will not divulge where that nauseating brat will be sitting, or if the person next to you is capable of losing 28 stone and still being grossly overweight.

Bad news. BT still using old technology which makes my broadband upload work at 28kbps. Slower than the dial up I had in 1998. Does seeing a red mist everytime I think of BT hurt my inner self? Or should I give them heaps anyway.

Good news. The hedgehogs have surfaced. Mother and Elvis are well. Elvis may get chased off by a male when Mummy gets broody.
The birds are either feeding chicks or feeding each other while keeping clutches of eggs warm. The Blackbirds are especially busy.

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