Clark & Clinkscale take on the world

Final Diploma night banter...sober - ok so when I said last night was the last night out for end of uni I lied, that was final class, class drinks, this was end of year amazing, whole year, in one room night out!

This is the very full of life Stephanie Clinkscale, a person I became aware of on day one of diploma as the girl who didn't meet up with her group for the ice breaker session, she did find us just before the work needed to be handed in. She's also the central character from Christmas night out and the MAC story (saving that for another day, don't wanna ruin her soon to be illustrious law career) - now Clinkscale and I are often found in the same bars and have both discovered that we have an interview for the same place in a month, there's a few jobs available so if we both got it the local drinking establishments better be ready for us lol !

Nice night hanging with everyone, still exams to go and the ball!

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