What did I see today...?

By DaveR

Nesting Jays

Or back-Blip #1

Got them at last! Well one of them, anyway.

This is one of the jays that is building a nest outside my office window, he/she and their partner is very industrious (and very distracting) and they've been building away for the past week and a bit, but it's difficult to take a shot through the windows as they've never been cleaned properly.

Happily with the fine weather we've been having the windows are partially open in the office and the jays are used to us walking past and making noise, so they weren't bothered at all when I sat down by it and shot away using the new zoom lens.

Once again the birds had the last laugh though and it's the one where the jay is facing away that's come out the best - mostly because all the bright sunshine causes their feathers to glow too much when they're facing toward the office - they come out much better this way!

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