Our own star

We call it The Sun; it is a star. It was so bright this morning that I had to hid behind two layers of trees to avoid being completely dazzled.

This picture was taken near the summit of Maungawhau. As I started up the hill and reduced to a walk, I was passed by a slim strong looking young woman who was running. The summit road takes cars up a longer and more gentle way, than the way down. I walk up the steeper option; she chose to run up the longer less steep way.

Just after I took this picture she caught up with my jog pace at this point, and we exchanged a few words. She hoped my picture was good, and expressed pleasure that we again can run in daylight, and then my slower pace meant I got left behind. She was going too quickly for me to be close enough to get a really good picture of her at the summit by the trig station.

I still quite liked it but on the advice of S, I have chosen this portrayal of our own local star, with radiating beams that show its star nature.

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