By EffAitchEmm

No shortage in this household!

Those poor people in New Zealand. As if it's not bad enough that they had a major earthquake, but they also have a major Marmite crisis as a result, and unfortunately for them their recipe is unique to that area, so it's like gold dust at the moment. Thankfully, we have no such problems here! I must say, I am rather curious as to what is so different about their recipe. Although, if Vegemite is anything to go by, I'd have to say it could be pretty disgusting! For me, there are few better ways to start the day than with wholemeal toast, Marmite and a good cup of tea, and this is my way of comfort eating. I have a nightmare of a chest infection and feeling rather sorry for myself I took to the kitchen in search of some wholesome food, and this lovely jar was sitting there rather proudly insisting that it be consumed. I promptly obliged. I do wonder though: what would happen if I rubbed it into my chest...?

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