
By Saffi

Scrap value

Today there was a small second-hand agricultural machinery sale at the Yeovil Showground. T took along our smallbaler ( most people, even the horsey ones, dont want small bales any more) and its sledge and a ropey old trailer for towing behind a car. He was going to take the trailer apart and take the metal to the scrapyard in return for a few quid but took it along to the sale at the last minute. All sorts of characters there looking for a bargain.

And who should buy it but one of our neighbours! He was going to reuse the tyres and take the metal along to the scrapyard!! Here is T and N looking on while the neighbour and son explain what they are going to do with it.

When we got home T checked the Herefords and found one of the cows had just calved with twins! They were both alive and sucking from their mother! Hopefully they will survive.

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