Edible world

By RawAppetite

Snow and coconuts, are they connected?

Was inspired by Heather Pace (a fantastic raw dessert chef) to make this tart. I've had her recipe on my kitchen counter for a while, waiting for a ripe avocado to go spare.

Holed in today because of snow affecting most roads in the Peak District, so I got pottering in the kitchen and decided to make my own coconut butter. It involves a bit of patience with the blender. When you put in the dry coconut shreds you never believe it will turn into a creamy liquid, but given enough time (about 8 mins), it magically does.

The butter is what gives this dessert it's solid, set consistency. The base is made of ground almonds, dates and a little coconut oil. The filling is coconut butter& oil, avocado and maple syrup with some vanilla to flavour. I didn't have any frozen raspberries for the topping so I subbed it with frozen cranberries, sweetened with fresh pineapple and orange instead.

Feet up this afternoon with a cup of tea and a sweet treat. The green reminds me of Springtime (even if the ground is temporarily covered in white).

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