stuff and stuff

By florencerusty

After all these years ......

I have lived in this area for 26 years and for many of them I have known of this pond - I have never been. Its literally within walking distance.

Today Mum visited but she is feeling poorly so left early. The Tiddler was going to need some other distraction.

It's cold, grey and windy but we both needed to get out.

We wrapped up, put 2 past their best buns in a bag and set off.

Lots of ducks, a nesting swan, a very protective swan, some gulls and 1 duckling! And a nice little stroll for half hour, if somewhat chilly. We then bundled into the car and the bug had bitten so we set off to find more photogenic gems but the Tiddler fell asleep so a round trip and then home.

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