St Ives in winter?!

OK, it's not really winter but it certainly feels like it and it definitely isn't anything like the weather we had last Wednesday.

I've not had as much attention today as I normally get. Ann's friend Caroline is staying so I had to stay 'home alone' while they went shopping. And then, when they got home it was all rainy and horrid.

Ann took me for my walk along the beach and round the town. The sea was very, very rough and stormy. I couldn't walk where I wanted to. The police had taped off 'Lamberth Walk' (which is a walkway beside the sea) because the waves were coming over the railings and I suppose they thought the holiday makers would get swept into the sea?!

In the whole of the time I've lived in St Ives I've never know this area to be taped off and I've seen massive waves there before. Maybe in the winter, when there's only little collies like me walking there they don't care if I get swept away.

Anyway I'm fully expecting there to be lots of 'stormy weather in St Ives' blips because there were loads of people taking photos. When I see people with cameras I always feel like going up to them and asking, 'Are you a blipper'? ..................... I never do though because I'm a collie dog and they probably don't understand collie dog language??!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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