
By AprilJane


Today we went to see our friends Rachel, Hannah and Gracie's new puppy, Bubbles.

She is a Standard Poodle, and quite big already although she is only 12 weeks old. She bit Betsy's hand and my foot. She stole my shoe and Al's trainer. She dragged Betsy's swimming bag off and chewed the string on Al's. When we were leaving she ran in with something in her mouth that Rachel claimed was so disgusting she wouldn't say what it was, but she was totally adorable and now we want a puppy even more than before.

After lunch we went into Teddington and bought stuff to make Dementor masks. We went into Mums shop for a visit and of course ended up buying some stuff. The masks looked pretty good in the end.

Had a long chat with Nibs on the phone this afternoon. She's in a panic, but she's going to be fine. I keep telling her!

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