Building a trap

I had to wake up early so that I could pick up my son from his school trip. No point him going all the way back to London. I left the house and got to the youth hostel at 7.45. The weather was terrible - heavy wind and rain. I saw a number of cars with inches of snow on their bonnets. My son was having breakfast when I arrived so I sat down with the teachers and had a cup of tea. They have had such a wonderful time. On the way back, we stopped at the famous climber Eric Jones's cafe ( one of the teachers asked me to take my son there) Whilst there I told him that Nain and Taid's (grandparents) dog had been put down at the weekend. My son has spent every day of his holidays in Wales taking ding dong Dinah for her morning walk.
When we got back to Pwllheli, we went to pick up the girls from Nain and Taid's where they had spent the night. They had been good as gold and were in bed at 9 pm ( which doesn't happen at home).
Daughter #2 spent the afternoon playing outdoors with her cousin and daughter #1 played with her friend Lowri making a board game out of wood in the cellar. I've not yet been down to the cellar to see how much mess they've made with the paint. Lowri is having a sleepover tonight and I have warned them that they need to be asleep by 9.30pm otherwise Lowri will be going home.
My son had a little nap on the sofa. Five days of hiking/ climbing/ mountain biking has worn him out.
I've got friends coming round later for cava and nibbles.

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