Christie's journal

By ChristieAnneD

Orange Wednesday

This is my little bro on our new sofas this evening! My mums in her element today.. She's loving these long awaited sofas.

So I woke up to the duvet being stolen from me and a very annoying boyfriend! Lucky for him, he's kind of alright so I laughed it off! If it was a few hours earlier things may have been different but it was about 11.30, which is a terrible time to wake up! I'm normally ready and starting my day before then.

The rest of my day was ok, stayed home then went to tescos to get some food for the cinema! I went to see The Hunger Games this evening and oh my god it was good! I had no idea what it was going to be about, so I went in pretty uncertain but I'd heard some really good reviews about it so I thought why not! Go see it people! The ride home was interesting, radio 1 played Jay Z and Kayne West Paris so we were 'raving' to that and the car next to us at the traffic lights thought they'd have a dance off with us! They didn't win, obviously.

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