Moment's Wonder

By MomentsWonder


We got a ton of snow last winter. In the course of removing the stuff from my drive, the bobcat hit my garage door leaving a series of dents. My neighbor's garage door and downspouts took serious hits. Garage doors up and down the drive were also damaged.

We have a dedicated association board of directors here at the Villas of Victor Gardens and they are completely committed to maintaining the "values and desirability" of living here in VG. They are careful to be sure that garbage cans are stored, dogs are leashed and never tied out, cars are never parked where they are not supposed to be, light bulbs all work, no garish garden decor, etc. (Gotta love association living).

I immediately informed the association of the damage to avoid being accused of denting it myself, (and given 10 days to repair or else), and also to have it fixed.

I am actually more interested in my neighbor's garage being fixed because I can see his. It is rather a blight on an otherwise very pretty drive.

A year and another winter later, two requests for repair sent out... the dents remain. Today, I received a gentle reminder with accompanying threat of fines and assessments, that I have a light bulb out.

In the pursuit of maintaining neighborhood desirability and values I immediately went out and put a new light bulb in.

I"ll admit, I don't want a fine.

In truth, I think we can do with a little less light pollution here in VG and further admission...I did notice and leave it out to see how long it would take to get "the letter". Tiny bit of passive protest left over from my true oppositional days.

Also took a series of blips of the damaged garages and sent it out to our dedicated board.

Third times a charm?

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