The cup of coffee saga!!

Yesterday I decided after lunch to have a cup of first real mistake of the day! Turned on the hot water tap in the kitchen to clean out the Cafetiere, to find no water emerged at all...zilch! So checked the other hot water taps, which were fine, realising then, there was a problem with just that one. In our house the stupid plumber or builder has placed the hot water stop tap behind some central heating ductwork so it's impossible to access, the only way to change a washer on the hot water system is to turn off the main stop cock and drain the entire cylinder of hot water down! SO...after doing that, I found on unscrewing the barrel of the tap, the washer needed to be replaced and the cylinder itself on the tap was suspect too, refusing to move inside the barrel which meant NO WATER emerged.
Next job then..out with the car to the local plumber's merchant, where I was greeted by two charming attractive young ladies who could NOT have been more helpful and BOTH of them understood the problem too. After scouring their stock, they uncovered a tap set which mated with the one I took as the sample and at a very sensible cost too...nice to find just what I back home I then fitted the two taps as replacements for both hot and cold and cup of coffee!!

So today's Blip is symbolic of all my efforts LOL

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