In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

There's a light

O f all the places to have found ourselves in, it had to be here, a graveyard., a boneyard. A place where there is the chance of more ghosts and ghouls than anywhere else.
"Still at least with the moon out there are not many dark places and shadows," Petra spoke, as if echoing my very thoughts.
"Right then, lets us find the exit gate," I announced.
Getting to our feet, we looked around to thoroughly examine our surroundings, and finding that it was a very, very old and rundown burial place. Crumbling grave stones, tumbled over grave stones. Some simple, with just a name and date. Some barely readable, with the ancient fonts worn away. Some had ancient scribings on them, others skulls and crossbones. All old. All..
"What's that noise Toby? " Petra whispered.
I perked my ears up and listened.
Was that a twig snapping?
A scraping of feet?
" Come on, " I hastened, let's step it up.
The full moon was going behind the clouds, and not just any clouds, we are talking about really, severely black clouds. The kind of clouds that in a place like this, where there are no lamp standards, nor any other form of artificial lighting, things get dark really quickly. So dark that you can barely see a couple of feet in front of yourself.
Hurrying now, walking fast, but not quite as yet running, but still keeping our ears pricked up to try and hear any sounds made from our pursuer or pursuers, as we do not know who or what are tailing us. Nor how many.
Another noise from some way back,a noise, barely audible, as if some-one had stumbled and fell over. But not completely over, jsut, maybe catching themselves before getting completely prone.
"That is good," I thought out loud. " at least the pitch black seems to be having an effect on them also."
" What? What did you say?" my friend enquired.
" Oh, nothing, just thinking aloud. We best get out of here." I responded.
" The quicker the better." she said, nodding her head.
"Look over there, in the distance. Can you see it? There's a light, a shimmering light?" I said pointing forward.
She signaled that she saw it to and we both hastened our pace even more, being careful though where we trod. Hoping there were no open graves or other pitfalls that could slow us down and enable who or whatever was chasing us to gain ground.

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