
Thank you for all your encouraging comments yesterday. As predicted (by me) I suffered my usual brain-mouth disconnect! I couldn't say the words I needed to say and I'd even written them down... but in that split second between eyes and mouth they became too wanky pseudo-intellectual to say out loud. I did manage to get my point over and the slides explained what I couldn't. It was met positively and is now my dissertation subject for hand-in next February.

I've self-diagnosed verbal dyslexia!

A tonne of work to get through in less than four weeks now. So, I'm limiting my Blipfoto time. Forgive me for severely reduced commenting over the next few weeks. I can't quite bring myself to not post, but I will have to dramatically curtail my time here until after 2 May.

Thank you everyone, you're all great!

This is the image I tried to upload this morning from my iPhone but failed. I prefer it to the earlier one so apologies to those who've been extra kind and not just commented! It did more sum up what I wanted to say about being an idiot and (in)articulate! bfn!

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