Indecent Exposure

By Mahf00d

Travel companions

Holiday ended, and I now have a bad cold. Great timing.

Took a train to Frankfurt Airport, and it was bloody expensive (?86.00), particularly when compared to the £7.10 train from Birmingham Airport to Leamington (although distance was incomparable to be fair).

Airport check-in was swift and easy, and boarding process was quick.
One thing I learned though is that flying while having a cold and/or inflammed sinuses is a VERY VERY bad idea. Spent the vast majority of the trip feeling my head/ears/eyes would explode. Arrived in Birmingham a torturing 1 hour and 40 minutes later and went to take my bag. Ran to the train station to catch my train, but still missed it by a couple minutes. Had to wait a whole hour for the next one.

Also obligatory: What the hell happened to the nice weather??! I leave for a week and this happens?

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