The Perkins Family

By Limpet28

100th blip - passing on the love

I thought that, as this is my 100th blip, it would be nice to share with you the fact that our eldest, Ellie, is quite taken with photography and loves to take snaps on my Nikon when we are out and about. She is getting better at zooming in and choosing subjects and really wanted to take a picture of me and Anna today - so here it is. Hopefully she will carry on taking photos and getting yet more enjoyment out of it. My only worry is when she hares off down a path with my Nikon round her neck - my heart is in my mouth worrying she will fall over and I will need to sprint to rescue my camera her!

The photo is taken at Quarrymill, just outside Perth on the road to Scone Palace and where we spotted this 'owl lift' in January.

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