Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter


Today's treatment session was at 2:00 because I was seeing my oncologist, the first of what will be weekly chats during the course of the treatment. It's all about monitoring side-effects (thankfully nothing has reared its ugly head yet, but it's early days yet).

We had an excellent chat. He was as forthcoming and enthusiastic as ever, and at one stage became quite passionate about how well my radiation 'plan' had turned out. He really is a wonderful guy, especially good at putting people at ease, and eager to provide as much information as possible. He repeated how well I've been responding to the hormone injections and is confident that things will be fully cleared up by the time I finish radiation.

The blip is the Unit 6 waiting area, a spot which I'm already well and truly familiar with. The guy on the right is one of the regulars, a week further into treatment than I am. Beside him is Michael, whose session today was his final one. As week follows week I know that I'll gradually begin to see the finishing post getting ever closer. Sure before I know it I'll be the one telling the rest of the waiting gang that 'it's my final session today'.

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