Ways Of Seeing

By dollyfish

Swash Puppy

When you enter an indoor soft play centre, they should give you a goodie bag containing:

tissues (because your kids WILL cry at some point)
wet wipes (because your kids WILL spill something or rest their arm in something someone else has spilt)
towel (to soak up your sweat drenched slippery children)
binoculars (to make finding your kids a bit easier)

Normally, if I spot a celebrity, I ignore them, because I tend to think they are probably bored of being noticed. However, as it was very busy, lack of tables meant that Joe Swash and his mum came over to share our table, and there was no ignoring them because they were so friendly and chatty. Proper "Gawd bless ya" have a laugh Londoners they were.

My cousin almost asked Joe for a photo with her son, but as we had spent one and a half hours without any mention of celebrity-ness, it would have felt a bit weird. And as I feel a bit nervous about taking my camera out in a play centre full of children for fear of being branded a raving paedophile, I settled for a quick photo of the Slush Puppy Mr. Swash left behind.

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