Having some fun

today in Chamonix. Thought I'd have a go at Ski Cross. It's quite fun actually getting some air. Must have been 25 - 30 ft or so. Just coming in for the landing, the timing was a bit late on the shutter. I took quite some speed into this jump, which actually was a kicker, and got lots of air, though I had to do quite a lot of arm paddling to get my balance back. A bit out of shape at the moment. Working on it though :-)

This actually is better in Large if you can be bothered.

If you want to see something extremely crazy, (1m 51s) catch an insane POV ride from the World Tour Freeride Champion who did this run in the finals in Verbier

This guy is f****** crazy !!!, but also very courageous. He must have balls made of steel.

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