Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

J is for JEsus!

We have several of these old stone churches in the neighborhood. Hard, cold, uninviting. A little creepy. At the risk of offending some of you, I will say that I find the idea of worshiping a dead man on a cross a little creepy too. I think Jesus was a good guy and had some great philosophies and messages, but I don't believe he died for me or my so-called sins.

Rather than worshiping such a macabre symbol, I prefer to celebrate the trees in this photo, the new buds that are sprouting on them, the birds that are building nests and hatching young, the beautiful flowers that are opening. Life, not death. Resurrection, yes, resurrection of the bulbs that have risen, the sun bringing more light each day, rejoicing of birdsong and frog choruses.

For an earlier Easter rant, see this blip about baskets.

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