What Storm?

If you want to know how busy my day was, read Cynthia's blip. The only thing she didn't mention was the time I spent tonight trying to find out how to replace the waste ink absorber pad on our Canon printer.

Planned obsolescence rears its ugly head again. Oh yes, it can be replaced, but Canon didn't want it to be easy enough for even the handiest of handy persons to do, and won't tell you how to do it. The cost of shipping to and from the approved service center, plus the repair cost. would almost certainly be enough to buy a new printer.

I couldn't find maintenance instructions on the Web but I did find out how to cancel the error message so that I can continue to print until ink spills out of the overflow tank. This may or may not actually happen, since the message is triggered by a counter, not by measuring how much ink is in the tank.

Anyway, it's just a matter of time before I'm stuck with a large heavy paperweight that I'll have to pay to dispose of responsibly. I should be used to it by now, I suppose.

Cynthia's blip shows the white clouds reflected in Lake Padden when we stopped on the way home from town this afternoon. I looked to the east and chose to photograph these ominous clouds. They appeared to be heading our way, but the storm didn't reach us.

If I'd been out in that inflatable raft, I would have been paddling towards the shore.

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