Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

Just the day to cut the peat........

Yes, indeed. Why wait until the weather is sunny and calm to cut peat? Much better by far to wait till the drizzle and cold get right into your bones before standing out on a peat bank breaking your back with cutting turf and laying out peat on heather.

My friends Barry and Sam with their boys Jack and Harry, came for the weekend to help cut the peat, and we made a good start yesterday. As I have a sore back, I really appreciated their hard work. Today, I stayed at home cooking and cleaning, and the 4 of them went back to the peat bank to finish the job, which they duly did. They worked SO hard, and in the dreadful conditions got ever so slightly mucky and drenched.

This is Sam hosing down their clothes before they were clean enough to go into the washing machine.

Today is also Harry's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, and......
it is also Dimairt's 14th. birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my boy, too.

It is good to be back on Blip again, and I plan on doing some serious back blipping over the next wee while - a threat, not a promise!

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