Life thru a looking glass

By DebbieB


This is the substation which is just about a 10 minute walk from my house, and I know it's silly but it scares the bejesus out of me!

All three of us full of colds now - well the munchkins is on it's way out now. Didn't do much today, so we thought we'd take him to the indoor play centre round the corner to get him out of the house for a bit.

Daddy decided we should go & feed the ducks the old bread at the park first. I think this was probably a cunning plan on his behalf. We had been in the car five minutes en route to the play centre and the munchkin was fast asleep! Ah well at least he got out.

Stopped off at the substation so I could do my blip. It makes this awful creepy buzzing noise and I was very careful not to get so close to it. Sound like a 5yr old don't I? Ha......

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