Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Photo of a photo...

Me, Mummy and Auntie Marion, around 1995. Shall edit this in a moment...


12 hours later... (conked out at the computer last night!)

I spent last night with my Mum and Auntie Marion ( Mum treated us to a trip to the South Pacific)- 2 women who've influenced me in so many ways since the very minute I was aware of them. They are very close as sisters and as a result of their closeness, I'm lucky enough to have very close relationships with both of them too. They are wonderful women. They are hilarious. They are hilarious when they're together. They are great fun to be around and they are the people I would go to with big problems first and foremost.

During two of the biggest, scariest, serious problems I've ever gone through in my life they were both there for me with no judgements, no cliches, nothing but love and understanding and a deep rooted need to help me out of it.

When I was made redundant and I was pregnant and emotional and stressed and hormonal to the max these ladies sat at either side of me and squished me with cuddles, telling me everything I needed to hear and making me laugh my way out of the worry and panic.

I love these women more than any other women on this Earth. I hope they know that.

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