Nicktor's news

By Nicktor

Stained glass window

Had to go to Church this morning as part of the "cultural" part of the German football exchange. Massive struggle getting everyone up this morning, but my hangover wasn't too bad.

Given the whole of the visiting German team were coming to the service (about 50 German nationals), it did feel slightly insensitive for them to put a picture of Kitchener up when they were requesting volunteers to help the church!

We were very naughty - as the Vicar started communion most of the Haslemere team took the opportunity to leg it through the back door. In our defence, the service had been going for an hour and 45 minutes by that time and we had a lot of boys getting restless.

During the service, I had ample time to admire the exceptional detail on this stained glass window, and wonder exactly how they managed it - over 100 years ago

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