My Little Life......

By dizzyflouk

All ready to go.

Planted out my strawberry plants in a hanging basket today - ready to whisk them inside if it gets too cold. Fingers crossed.

Lovely walk this morning with the boys around the lanes. Met neighbours we'd never seen before despite living here for 3 years! Walk took a lot longer than normal, but it was a pleasant way to spend the morning.

DD is spending the afternoon making bat/bird boxes and I'm trying to repair some of the damage the chickens have caused. Unfortunately, as soon as I make an area neat and tidy they come along and rearrange it the way they want it to look. Hee hee. You've just got to love them.

Hilda is still broody - 10 days until chicks.
Harvey's physio is still going well.
Maude is still growing and being a mischief.

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