
By BikerJim

~ An Astronomical Impossibility~

~My Fantasy Sky~

I was out photographing the sunset horizon this evening.
As usual, it was very colorful and awe inspiring.
All of a sudden I felt a presence behind me.
I turned around and there was the rising moon.
So I started photographing this great white orb.
But the sunset at my back became more engaging.
I whirled around and resumed photographing the western sky.
But soon the lure of the east and the moon beckoned me.
And so this photographers dance turned into a ballet in the dark.
This spinning back and forth actually became quite comical.
Moon, sunset, moon, sunset, moon, well you get the idea.
I wish the moon would rise where the sun had set.
I wonder what that would look like?
I wonder, hmmmmm!

Thanks for imagining the impossible with me.

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