
By EJIkin

Deadlines, Decisions, and Dododododo

so today has mostly been about waking up from the gig i was at last night, which was just awesome really, got to see some great little bands, may have found a few songs to download, but the reason i went was for the headline act of Art Brut. they were great, and i got to meet three of the band members, it was brilliant :) Also the fact the gig was in an Art gallery was pretty cool. Just a really interesting environment.
Then the essay had to be got around to sooner or later, so this took up most of my afternoon, covering the deadlines bit of the title.
Decisions was soon to follow after blipping, i had some tough choices with pictures. there were some compositions that i much preferred but in the end, clarity one out with this photo.
The Dododododo part to those of you who are still listening is a result of my youtubing song from last night.

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