April Challenge...Inside your wallet

I guess the picture speaks for itself really. There aren't many contents as it's not a very big purse. My handbag however harbours all manner of crap essential items. ;-)
I've had a lovely afternoon out today at a local farm shop where i've purchased a steak for my tea from a great butchers, and loads of fresh veg. A tub of feta stuffed olives will be a fitting starter and my gift of Cadbury mini eggs as a thankyou for looking after Ivy will round it off nicely...oh, and not forgetting a glass or 2 of red to wash it all down. Bang goes the diet for today but as i'm doing well i'll give myself a day off.
After said purchases were made i ventured into the "hatching barn" where i had my fix of day old fluffy chicks...ahhh.
Happy Easter. :-)

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