Come Rain or Shine

By Ceb1977

My Easter Egg

I didn't expect to receive an Easter Egg this morning given that I'm trying to be a good girl and moderate my diet BUT this little Lindt egg is the epitome of moderate and it was a wee treat that I enjoyed more for it being my first real taste of chocolate in quite some time!!

I was holding it in my fingers when I saw this picture in my mind's eye and had to dash upstairs to retrieve my camera as well as locate a suitable backdrop - the bedroom curtains! Most folk think I'm a total fruit loop when it comes to what I see is a picture and when those moments occur but I hope all you photographers out there can appreciate where I'm coming from!

The Easter egg tradition is said, by some, to have merged into the celebration of the end of the privations of Lent in the West. Historically, it was traditional to use up all of the household's eggs before Lent began as they are forbidden during Lent as well as on other traditional fast days in Western Christianity. This established the tradition of Pancake Day being celebrated on Shrove Tuesday - the day before Ash Wednesday when Lent begins.

There are many decorating techniques and numerous traditions of giving them as a token of friendship, love or good wishes. A tradition exists in some parts of the United Kingdom of rolling painted eggs down steep hills on Easter Sunday. In the North of England, at Easter time, a traditional game is played where hard boiled pace eggs are distributed and each player hits the other player's egg with their own. This is known as "egg tapping", "egg dumping" or "egg jarping". The winner is the holder of the last intact egg. The losers get to eat their eggs. The annual egg jarping world championship is held every year over Easter in Peterlee Cricket Club.

'Nowt so strange as folk!

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