Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

Frida Kahlo in Sao Paulo

Our late feijoada lunch yesterday, which was topped up nicely by bumping into friends James, Andrea and their two children, who 'persuaded' us to join them for tacos in a Mexican restaurant, meant that we weren't hungry at lunchtime today! It would have been better to have thought this through before sitting down for lunch in one of our favourite restaurants after church of course! We probably left with the cheapest bill for a Sunday lunch mind you, with only Bb having had something to drink. We've been wandering around our 'old barrio' here since then and went in to say Happy Easter to the folk in the apartment block where we lived from 2002 to 2004 and are now headed, much to Bb's delight, to his favourite little Japanese restaurant which opens up in 25 minutes. Happy Easter to those of you who mark today!

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