Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


So after getting sunburn and prickly heat a week ago, this morning we woke up to a covering of snow. Having already planned a trip to a playcentre 25 mins away, we decided it wasn't bad enough to cancel and headed off. 10 minutes in and the fields were green, not a drop of snow in sight. Perfect!

2 miles on and it was completely the opposite. The outside lane of the dual carriageway was deep in snow, to the point that trying to overtake was a bit dangerous. Only you couldn't sit behind the trucks going at 40mph and spraying so much you couldn't see anything. I was terrified!

Thankfully by the time we stayed there for 4 hours it was much clearer on the drive home. We'd been in the door 10 minutes and these big balls of snow were falling from the sky. Not hail, not snowflakes and not ice. Not a clue what they are but wow they were noisy!

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