... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Easter Sunday - Lambing in Sussex

My first Blip!
Today, a cousin of mine (whom I've not seen for years) took the time to introduce me to blipfoto; it seems such a wonderful idea. The experience also reminded me of how a shared interest in photography can really break the ice, and lead to splendid banter.

I won't flail about trying to think of something meaningful to say to mark the occasion, but I'm very much looking forward to exploring this community & new way for me to share my life, or at least my life as I see it when I've only one eye open...

Today I took photographs of sheep & lambs, chickens & geese & other fowl, my family, & flowers; this picture is the one that amuses me the most (probably because I can't stop anthropomorphising the cockerel's expression), and also seems best to represent the photographs I took.

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