
By Fizz

A (strange but) true story.

When I left work this afternoon, I stopped at the market to get a bunch of flowers. The nice lady that usually serves me wasn't there today. I was served by a guy I had never seen there before. As he was wrapping up my flowers I asked where the 'usual' lady was and we got chatting. He asked who the flowers were for, and would I like ribbons or a gift tag. My 'usual' lady never asks this, because she knows they are for me. I like to have fresh flowers in the house, as a treat to myself. I explained this to the 'new' guy, as we continued chatting. As I handed over my money, I noticed a bunch of orange flowers mixed in with the white ones I had chosen. 'Oh' I said. 'I think you've given me the wrong bunch. They're not mine'
'Yes, they are.' He said.
'But I didn't pick those. I just wanted the white ones'
'I know. They're for you'
'What?' (I can't rememer if I said that out loud or not. lol!)
'There is something seriously wrong in the world when a nice lady like you has to buy her own flowers'
'Thank you.' I said, not knowing quite what else to say.

I've walked past the flowers four times tonight, and each time they've made me smile. So I blipped them in the hope they will make someone else smile too. Pay it forward.

So the question is, was that the best bit of customer service I've seen in a long time, the worst chat up line ever, or was he trying to run down his stock because it was the end of the day?

Answers on a postcard please.

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