Quietly watching the rain

I must admit, I am thoroughly enjoying a very quiet Easter Monday. I started with a trip to the gym (and saw lots of my friends), a swim, and then home to catch up with various chores and to do some cooking.

I tried another of Lucas Hollweg's great savoury dishes (Spiced Butternut Squash and Chick Pea Stew) and I confess, I played some Scrabble on my iPad.

Venturing into the garden, braving the rain, my choice was this rather bedraggled but still stately tulip.

Now I'm going to watch my football team (Nottingham Forest) on BBC Sport Live Text (Out of the Radio Nottingham area and you can't tune in to commentaries on the internet.) Please don't lose to Peterborough, boys, you're in enough trouble without that !

But still, a Happy Easter Monday to everyone.

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