Plus ça change...

By SooB

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Spotted this in Chiswick on the way back from a walk. No idea of the backstory - just seemed like a fun image.

Slow start today for everyone (except all the kids, of course!). We headed out to the farmers' market to stock up for a barbie later and had a very scary moment with Katherine when she managed to lose us. I hadn't seen her for a few seconds and turned around to see her running across the market crying her eyes out. She'd been distracted when we turned off a path to go into the market and hadn't followed. She'd had the presence of mind to ask someone where the market was, and came running to look for us. She was only out of sight for two minutes, but it really shook us both up. At least she did the right thing, but I was just left feeling like the worst parent for not checking she knew where we were going. When I think of all the times I went missing on shopping trips at her age - running around Carlisle looking for my mam. At least I can tell her now that Katherine's getting me back for all the worry I must have caused her over the years. I guess that's the way of things.

Anyway, at the market we bought way too much food (including the biggest chicken you've every seen - I thought it was a goose when I first saw it. The lady on the stall assured me that they make everything bigger in Leicestershire.) Then off to a pub by the river for a well earned shandy.

The afternoon was a happy blur of great food, great wine, great company, and all the kids amusing themselves (mostly) without incident.

A really lovely weekend catching up with old friends - tiring in a good way and relaxing in every way.

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