
By Northsea


Today started with a amazing trip around the Smoky bay of Reykjavik (smoky bay in Icelandic) to view the amazing whales that live there. We saw a few white nosed dolphins and two fantastic hump backed whales. This is the tail of one of those whales diving to catch fish.
On the boat was a sign saying "Meet us, don't eat us". The restaurants of Reykjavik are full of minke whale sushi and steaks. I am instinctively against whale hunting and certainly commercial whaling as nobody should want to see these beautiful giants dissappear from our seas, and thankfully now the numbers seem to be returning.
However for small communities it is a large part of their culture and history, and I can understand how it is part of how they live and is sustainable. Once upon a time in the midwest there were thousands of buffalo roaming the plains. The local tribes would hunt some of them for food and skins. Unfortunatley the commercial operations, ranchers, money (corporates of the time) killed off all the wildlife and turned wild plains into farms. Similar things are happening in Brazil today as the Amazon dissappears to breed cattle for our demand for steak and chickens are battery feed, slaughtered and pumped full of water for our supermarkets.
Just made me think about what am I having for lunch?

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