
With the children going off to see their dad for a couple of days Carlos and I found we had time to ourselves. We decided to go out for a spot of lunch so we went to the Seaview Cafe in Wemyss Bay which I have often fancied but never stopped at. We had a delicious lunch and a wee walk so that I could blip a little.

Apart from childhood holidays years ago Carlos had never been to Wemyss Bay and he was taken with the clock tower which I was snapping, the Rothesay ferry was approaching and on the spur of the moment he suggested we get on the next ferry and have a wee adventure.

The sun was shining, we had all afternoon free so I was all for it as it would provide plenty of blip fodder. Carlos was taken with the Victorian splendour of the old station which I think captures perfectly the spirit of going Doon the Watter.

We sat out on deck on the ferry as neither of us have brilliant sealegs and I wanted to be able to take some photos. As the ferry set off and pulled out of Wemyss Bay, it turned round so that it was heading the right direction to go to Rothesay, finding ourselves sitting at the back of the boat we set off round to the front so we could see where we were going. It was at this point that we saw the massive grey clouds which were rolling in from the west and were quite clearly dumping their contents on the Isle of Bute.

We had a giggle and made the decision that we would actually get off the boat when we reached our destination (although we were sorely tempted just to come straight back as Carlos only had a hoodie and no proper jacket with him). When we arrived the rain was absolutely bouncing off the streets so we headed for Cafe Zavaroni (remember Lena anyone?) which was directly opposite the harbour, we had a nice coffee and cake then 45 minutes later got the next ferry home as the rain was relentless.

It was a most excellent adventure, we will certainly never forget the day we went to Rothesay!

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