It's just a phase

By HelenMcCann

Easter bunny

Well, I'm officially the only healthy person in our house! No1 son slithered into my bed last night complaining that he didn't feel well. With a temperature of 39.6 I'm not surprised! I gave him some paracetamol and instantly regretted it as he brought it and the contents of his stomach up. Mmmm... Hello sweetcorn pizza! The Easter egg hunt had to be postponed till late afternoon when he was beginning to feel better.

The little ones are on the mend from their colds/bronchiolitis so have been quite easy today but still needing lots of different medicines.

Then to cap it off mr mc has also had a weird bug which gave him nausea and a sore throat all day.

It's a good job it rained all day as we'd have had to miss egg rolling on the park any way! I'm having a small beer with tea to celebrate avoiding all these nasties so far....

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