A Lazy Spring Day

How bad does it have to be when you start looking for turtle reflections? It reminds me of my last order at Taco Bell. "I'll have 2 hard shells...please." At least these 2 lazy aquatic reptiles didn't take a dive when I stopped on the side of the road.

I'm not a big fan of turtles, especially the bigger ones...the snappers. I never realized how far they go back in history. Wiki-pedia puts them at 215 million years old...older than lizards, snakes, and crocodiles. Just like swimming in the ocean makes me think about sharks and jellyfish...swimming in a lake or pond makes me think about snapping turtles. They are the reason that I will only skinny-dip in a pool.

A couple of strikes against me today. I went to give blood this afternoon, and was going to do a double red. They take your blood...keeping the red cells, and returning the whites and the plasma. Not today. The nurse said my vein looked good at first, but then the vein grew hesitant. Wouldn't pump it out. Tried and failed. Out of guilt...I skipped the donut and juice table, but did take my Red Cross umbrella for trying. 56 days and I'll try again.

Strike #2 was the news out of city hall that they are starting a program to get rid of some geese at the millpond. They hired a firm called Goosebusters. No kidding!! I wonder how many times they have heard somebody sing..."There's a lot of birds...in the neighborhood...Who ya gonna call?... Goosebusters!"

I'm thinking about attending the next city council meeting, and standing up when they ask for questions from the crowd.

"If you get rid of all my geese...what am I supposed to use for a Blip?"

I can picture council members whispering..."What is a blip? This guy is a drip! I think he's flipped! Do you think he's had a nip? Is he on a bad trip? He needs to get a grip! Can we stop the quip that comes from his lip? Is he a part of our citizenship? Forget about him...we need to run a tight ship. To get him out...do we still have a bull-whip?"

I would resort to whimpering. "Please...please...I beg of you....please don't take my geese!! I'll drive up in my coupe. I'll pick up the goop! I will do a stoop, and scoop up the poop! One last tactic. I use my war whoop..."I NEED MY GOOSE GROUP!"

One last council whisper..."I hate to throw him for a loop...but this guy is a nincompoop!

Good thing the police station is right next to city hall. Security is called in, and I am tossed out on the hill next to the pond. I'm covered with goose excrement. So much for being a bird lover.

Don't put it in LARGE. It will reflect badly on you.

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