
By GeeWhiz


Its been a strange few weeks. I have not been well and therefore not been running either. In fact it has been a fortnight and I have not run at all which is just unheard of for me.

I have not been taking many pictures either, and the ones I have been taking have been very half hearted and sitting in my camera as I had not downloaded them on to the computer or blipped them. I have not taken any at all for the last few days so my continous run of blip has now been broken. I thought I would have been more upset as I usually hate to let things like that go.

A friend gave me this pile of photography magazines yesterday so maybe that will kickstart me, (it got me backblipping anyway). I also managed to go a bit of a puny 2 mile run this morning so it might be thats all I need to get me going again.

I hope so, I hate feeling like this.

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