As She Sees It

By AsSheSeesIt

Wetlands 101

So why am I posting an upland plant and upland bug from my trek through the wetlands? It is quite simple, it was the only time my hands were dry. I took a wetlands 101 class and we got to play in shallow water dipping bugs and fresh water mussels. We also trudged through a wetland that got our boots very wet and muddy. Our naturalist dug a hole and showed us what hydrologic soil looks like. We also saw seepage and standing water. Finally we identified foliage and learned some of our native species and some invasive species.

This is Oregon grape in bloom being buzzed by a little bee.

After class I headed north to Seattle with my dad to spend Easter with him and his girlfriend. We had a great drive.

Saturday evening was relaxing on the patio with new friends.

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