Mr John

By MrJohn

Box of monkeys....

......At Andrew Hartley's Auction.

Just a quick lunch time blip from me today. It's amazing how much can be done in one hour.

My first port of call was Andrew Hartley's Auction on Nelson Road. I usually have a quick wander around there on the Tuesday viewing and more often than not end up leaving a bid on some or other box of tat or interesting object of unknown use. For some reason today there seemed to be numerous boxes of toy monkeys. I can only imagine the house they came from !

My next stop was the Ilkley pet shop, to buy some live daphnia as a treat for my fish, who seem to know it is spring and are breeding like rabbits. After stopping for a minute to admire the puffer fish I continued my wandering.

Next I called in at the Co-op shop on Brook St. I had a really vivid dream last night about winning a Million pounds on a scratch card, so foolishly I have gone and bought one. I'm not going to scratch it off ( for a few days at least ) as I know the reality will not live up to my dream. But it dosn't hurt to dream once in a while.

After popping in to a few of the shops on the Grove, my next stop was Lunch at the cafe in Christchurch. A lovely celary soup and bread roll was washed down with a mug of tea. Apart from a young volunteer in the kitchen and a toddler on a day out with his grandparents, I must have been the youngest person in there by a good 20 years. I like places occupied by older folk, theres something comforting about the slower pace of life and characterful faces found there. It will definately be a future blip.

On my way back from town I bumped in to Sheena ( 'working from home today' *Coughs ;-) ), one of the fellow members of the Minestry of silly walks training (run by Spartan) up on the moor along with me last night ( You had to be there... ).

As I wasn't brave enough to take photos in the Christchurch cafe. Todays blip is a....

.... Box of monkeys.

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